Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day Sixteen -- Challenge On

So today is the beginning of the Ten Week Challenge. I have five out of ten "Try-It Traci" Challenges. So starting at the top of the list, I accept the stay offline for 24 hours challenge. While that sounds easy, I am quite sure that it will be more difficult than I expect. I know that I waste too much time online. But in deference to the activities of value, not the least of which is school, I have to plan. Therefore, I will stay off-line all-day Wednesday. I will not go on Facebook, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. and I will not post a blog that day.

Whatever will I do with myself? Or more importantly, what will become of my Mafia, Pirates, Vampires, and/or Sorority? Will my crops die in their virtual plantings? Will the all-important pillow fight attacks go unanswered? In other words, will the world be able to stay in its orbit. Only time will tell....


Daryl said...

As a side challenge (or is it a challenge extension?) I suggest you also refrain from playing games on your iPhone. While most of them may not be "online" they still fill that same role of avoiding the "offline" world. Good luck! :)

Traci said...

Way to stick the knife in deeper, bro! No, I'm kidding. I absolutely agree an accept the addition.

Daryl said...

That's what brothers are for :P

Claudya Martinez said...

I can't wait to hear how it goes.