The mighty ladies, Unknown Mami and Nancy from if evolution really works have created a dynamite blog community site -- It is gorgeous, well-laid out and just plain awesome. Please check it out. They thrilled me by asking me to share a post with the community. Let me tell you, these ladies are bloggers extraordinaire and there are other great contributing writers so I was truly honored that they asked me to participate.
So go. Check it out.
Congrats on the invitation to write. How exciting for you!
I checked out the site. Wow! You are among an incredible group!
Congrats! What an honor!
Congrats!! I checked out their site.
Congrats . That's great!
hugs hugs
Congrats to you! It looks like a fantastic site!
I love that they're doing this. It's looking really great!
Congrats! Looks like a great group of mom bloggers...but...I couldn't find your post. I usually need someone to hold my hand and point things out to me. :(
lemme know where your post is... ;-)
Thank you for all your support.
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