See, those shocked looks. That's because their mom is about to commit a blog-pas. (Blog-pas -- poorly conceived and executed attempt to make a cute Bennifer-style combo word from
the English word blog and the French word faux pas. I know. I know. Cringe. Double cringe.). I have heard of a "Wordless Wednesday" program which I'd really like to participate in (mostly because I am all out of creativity and I have some really cute pics to share -- see above) but I don't know how to give credit where credit is due -- thus the blog pas (I know. Somebody, please stop me.) So if you participate in "Wordless Wednesday" or know the founder, please let me know so that I may avoid such a future blog-pas (Last one. I promise.)
So in honor of the "Wordless Wednesday", I am unofficially submitting this unofficial post.
Wait one minute there, lassie. You can't do that. The pictures would be unsanctioned. They would be a blog-pas (Okay. So I lied. But admit it -- it's growing on you.)
But the pictures are soooo cute. Just look at that snowman at the hands of Sonny-Bunny and The Diva. People will want to see that. They need to see that.
No. Not until it's right. You can't include your children in such blog-chicanery (No, I wasn't brave enough to try a Brangelina with that one. Though I did consider it. I did.)
Okay. I'll wait.
So people I need your help. If you want to see these pictures, and let's face it, you know you do. Please tell me who is to be credited. And then I will officially submit a "Wordless Wednesday" post.
That was a lot of words for wordless, huh?
Cute picture and wordless or not it should be posted!
wow two cuties!!
hugs hugs
They are so cute! They are wordless, so it works for me!
Chicanery is such a wonderful word. It should never be smashed. You did the right thing.
Your kiddos are adorable.
Thanks, luvs!!!
I have no idea who creative Wordless Wednesday but I do know your kids are very cute. i'll be on the lookout for the source and let you know if I find it.
I can give you a place to do "Wordful Wednesday".
I don't know the home of Wordless.
So Cute, of course you should be sharing! They are adorable!
Very cute. I hope the Blog Police don't come after you.
And I'm not sure about Wordless Wed. I would use the link Mami gave you for Wordful Wed.
the picture is adorable and it should be posted. i giggled all the way through your posts. hope you don't mind if i follow on your journey.
check us out sometime
I love it. Post away baby...with or without words. You know I love pictures. Holly
The heck with etiquette! The photo's cute and the post stands!
Ha. I use Wordless Wednesday (and it is NEVER Wordless) and I have no idea where I came across it originally. But since I am a blogignoramus (my sorry attempt at a bennifer blog name which I wish I could change...)
Very fun picture..cutie kids! .
http://www.5minutesformom.com/ These are the gals that run the "original" Wordless Wednesday. Check their blog on Wednesday and you'll find their Mr Linky.
A big thank you to Audrey O! I will participate next Wednesday with te rest of those cutie patootie (sp?) pics.
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