Here is our 6th week of Friday Follow. Come join the party. This is so much fun! I am amazed at the fabulous blogs out there.
Welcome to the Friday Follow celebration hosted by http://one2try.blogspot.com/" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(122, 50, 84); text-decoration: none; ">One 2 Try, http://www.heartsmakefamilies.com/" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(122, 50, 84); text-decoration: none; ">Hearts Make Families and http://www.middayescapades.com/" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(122, 50, 84); text-decoration: none; ">Midday Escapades! We invite you to join us every Friday to get more blog followers and to follow other interesting blogs. It is all about sharing and having fun.
Here's how YOU can join the celebration:
--Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky below. Only need to add on one blog to be seen on all the blog hops.
--Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots.
--Follow as many blogs as you'd like.
--Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you're from Friday Follow.
--Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow.
The Blog Hop is the same at each of our three hosts blogs so you do not have to add your blog at each site. Just one - but you can follow each blog. Follow a few or follow them all.
The list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up each week for new participants to find your blogs. The list is only open to add your blog links on Fridays. It will be visible all week to visit the blogs listed.
As hostesses, we realize the time required to participate in Friday Follow. Due to the overwhelming number of entries each week, we understand everyone may not be able to follow every blog including ourselves. To keep it fun, follow what you can at your own pace. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for your continued participation!

Following you from FF!
thanks for the information.
YEAH! I'm #100 :)
Stopping by from FF to say hello.
My first blog hop WOW what fun! Glad I found you through FF.
Happy FF! I'm a new follower!
I added the Friday Follow to my blog, I'm confused though (this is my first time.) If we all follow the first 3 hostesses listed won't everyone be following the same people, and what about the ones at the end of the list? I'm sure people aren't going to scroll all the way down the the 400th person if they are only told to follow the first 3 and pick other blogs from there. I'm just confused as to how I'm supposed to do this...lol
Hi - Friday following!
Following you back!
Stopping by from Friday Follow to say Hi!
I am adding you so I can come back & read more!
Please stop by!
I found you through Friday Follow - nice to meet you!
I'm looking forward to reading more about your journey, thanks for sharing it.
Would you follow me back?
Kelly from Kelly's Lucky You
Following you now from Friday Follow. Have a great weekend!
Happy Friday! Great to have found you. I am your newest follower.
Happy Friday!! I am a new follower!!
Happy Follow Friday! I am already a follower, but just wanted to stop by and say hello! Have a great weekend!
Happy Friday Follow and thanks for joining in again this week. Have a rocking weekend!
SO that's how this works! I've always wondered!
Hey just stopping by to say Hi from Friday Follow!
Happy Follow Friday!
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