On Unknown's site, she shared a story of overhearing a young woman who had a close-minded view of love across racial lines. As a beautiful Latina woman married to a HUNKY African-American (I can attest to this -- I've met him!), she was hurt and bewildered by her comment. This led to further discussion including the obnoxiously loose-lipped John Mayer. Here was my reaction to that...
I'm sorry for that young girl -- I will hope that time will open her eyes to the beauty of all but in the mean could someone please shut John Mayer up!!! Seriously. I am ashamed that I ever thought my body was a wonderland!
On Blog-Ignoramus (http://blogignoramus.blogspot.com/), lovely Mama-Face posted a beautiful piece about looking at her parents' relationship and her own through new eyes. She looked at how her father saw her mother over the years as opposed to his blushing bride and wondered how her husband saw her today. This is what I had to say...
What a beautiful post. The subtleties of tone and subtext in language perceived through the view of time. It is true how we hear and see our parents through different lenses as we grow.
I think that your husband truly sees you as more beautiful than in your "skinny" wedding dress. Why? Because true love sees beauty in its truth. It is not the blush of a new bride or a size of a dress, it is the person that life and time has molded into a partner, a parent, a lifetime friend and lover. That's what he sees and you know the beauty in that? That never ages and never changes size. It can't be captured in a photo so it can't fade.
Finally, the fabulous Menopausal New Mom (http://menonewmom.blogspot.com) tackled the big issue of following. I am always struggling to keep up with all the terrific blogs I enjoy and I often stress when I don't visit any particular blog as often I would like. Here's my reflection on this dilemma...
I have never officially unfollowed but I have so many blogs in my reader that if I don't want a divorce and a home visit from CPS for neglect (we won't mention the wiggly insomniac three year old in my arms as we speak). I can't visit everyone every day like I used too.
So that's a little of what I had to say this week. If you want to join in and turn your comments into a blog post, check out Unknown Mami (http://www.unknownmami.com) and play along with "I Comment Therefore I Am".
This is an interesting idea. I guess in order to participate I'd actually have to pay attention where I comment!
Yeah, John Mayer is off my listen list, too. What a loser.
I try to find time to comment a lot...but I guess I comment so much that I couldn't even begin to point out any memorable ones I've left!
Your John Mayer comment cracked me up! You all are so organized that you can track your comments. I forget them before the last letter is typed!
Your comment to Mama-face made me cry. Traci, you are a truly exceptional person; your beauty is inescapable.
If you get a chance will you go check out this post: http://betterjeans.blogspot.com/
She gives good comment too!
I had the same thought as Marilyn. I could leave a really awesome comment and then forget where I left it!
Kudos to you for these three - they are lovely!
I know it's SOOO hard to visit all my loved bloggy friends. Impossible to visit everyone in my reader... I'm still trying to come up with a system for it, but what I have now is a folder in Google Reader for all my MUST READS. But honestly even that needs to be whittled down. I just can't visit 40 blogs a day!
Oh and my husband and I get the mixed-race "looks" all the time. It doesn't bother us anymore...
This is our song from when we first got together by Beres Hammond (reggae)
"Some things were meant to be
So why not let it be
And stop worrying about it.
Long as we know what's in our hearts
We know our inner thoughts
No reason for concern no"
Traci, you are good at heart and write so wonderfully well. I like your command over language. I am just a learner.
What a cute idea! I may join you with that next week. :)
Thanks for stopping by on my LBS featured day! :)
A great idea and another way of finding new blogs to visit. Thanks for sharing this Traci.
I love these comment posts...unfortunately, I can't keep up with where and who the dang comments are for and from!!
I agree w u about the followers andvisiting other blogs. AsI type thisI have a ver active 3mos oldwiggling in my arms. Its so hard and there is so much great blogs out there! Thx for stopping by...following you back
Hey there..stopping by from MBC FFF. I'm your newest follower! Nice to meet you, gonna stay a bit and look around! Hope you're having a great day!
Beautiful comments, mama. Thanks for sharing them and the posts that spurred them (sounds weird, no?) for you, as well. Sorry to be a slacker commenter lately! Things have been super-crazy and I'm addicted to Twitter, which is no excuse. I need to step off that track and come on back! Hugs to you and yours!
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