Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 178 or Bitten Off More Than I Can Chew

Over the years, I have been accused of a lot of things... having eyes bigger than my stomach, burning the candle at both ends, biting off more than I can chew... (there may have also been accusations of OCD and insanity but less stick with the more metaphorical accusations, shall we?) and they are usually, if unfortunately, all too correct.

I am an all or nothing kind of girl, almost zealous in my attack on life. Yes, I said attack. I often attack life -- I'm either in a state of mere existence or in battle mode (that might qualify me for other initials out of the psychiatric book but we'll just keep moving).

So if one book on a subject is good, ten must be better. Therefore, I have a series of libraries on hobbies, careers, etc. that never panned out beyond a few weeks -- knitting, scrapbooking, etc. I don't know how to start something small, slow, or ... just insert any other sensible adverb here.

So, I didn't just volunteer at my son's school. I had to be supermom -- I'm there three days a week! Library, classroom, you name it! And I can go to school half time. I can work a part-time job. I can blog... ooh, let's just skip that one. Keep moving folks, nothing to see here. Just move along... So where was I? Oh, yes. I can. I can. I can.

The problem is I can't. I can't do everything. At least not well. Because I have bitten off more than anyone, even an Olympian can chew. Because I am tired. And when I am tired, let's just say that there will be no medal stand for my parenting, my school work, my blog entries... uh, I mean ... oh, heck! I don't even know what I mean anymore because I am so busy chewing. And chewing. And chewing.

The problem is when I do this to myself and something has to go... it's usually something that I do just for me. Because I can't let anyone down. Anyone but me that is. And I'm tired of letting myself down. So I need some balance! Like a gymnast on a beam. Okay. I over did it with the Olympic metaphors, huh? Plus I mixed the metaphors with Summer and Winter Olympics. See!!!! I am just a mess.

Back to balance. That thing I need. I can't pick it up at Target or order from a late night infomercial (something I have seen much too much of lately). So where do I find it? How do I find it? And if I find it, we'll I know what it looks like?

How do you create balance?


Menopausal New Mom said...

Oh I don't create balance or even try. Just go day to day and hope for the best!

Betty Manousos said...

Tracie , I can't do everything either.I just loved this post

Anonymous said...

I could have written this post myself. I guess we need to learn how to say no!!

Unknown said...

balance = boring. Bring on the chaos!!

Unknown said...

I ALWAYS bite off more than I can chew! Thanks for visiting from CCWA I am following you and look forward to hearing more about you!!

Claudya Martinez said...

Just say NO or if you've already said yes, then you have to say ENOUGH.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

You have to learn that beautiful word No. If you don't dear you'll find yourself hold up on the sofa in fetal position no good to anybody.

God bless and have a glorious week!!!

Claremont First Ward said...

I'm still working on that balance thing, too. Wish I had the answers!

Melissa B. said...

I think I finally found "balance" when my last chica left for college. Seriously! Otherwise, it's been pretty hit-and-miss around here. But we love it!

BTW, I passed along your Sugar Doll Award today...Thanks!

Life Laugh Latte said...

Not sure you actually want advice, but I learned a long time ago that burn out would happen really fast if I didn't set boundaries with school. So I assign 1 week a month. Schedule as much volunteering into that week as I can. The other 3 weeks I consider mine. If I really, truly want to help with something I do. Otherwise I do home, blog, workout, friends...other things that feed me. Holly:)

Traci said...

Thanks, ladies. The main reason that blogging has become so valuable to me is that it reassures me that I am not alone,,, that I am walking well-worn paths. It gives me strength beyond my ability to express.

And, yes, yes, yes! I want advice. Thank you for sharing your experiences with me. You gotta love bloggy friends!!!

Unknown said...

I really identify with this post. If you find balance, please show me the way!


ChiaLynn said...

One of the things that I've finally come to realize (in part after reading "The Renaissance Soul: Life Design for People with Too Many Passions to Pick Just One" - here's the author's site: is that I can do almost everything I'd like to do - I just can't do it all at once. But by focusing on a few things at a time (and knowing that I'll get back to those other things later on), I can keep myself from both stress and boredom. (Well, mostly.)

(You'd like this book - it encourages you to make lists. Lots of them. I haven't made them, of course, but I know you would.)

Jen said...

I haven't had balance in over 17 years except for that one weekend in October of 2001. That was the last time I had balance and I don't expect to get it back until 2021 when my daughter graduates from high school. I don't sweat it anymore.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. Sometimes with my blog, and reading books for giveaways I do, and work, and school I'm afriad I'll get overwhelmed. It's good to just take a break every now and then.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I meant to say I was stopping by from SITS. Have a good day! :D

Lynne said...

Thanks for stopping by from LBS! I am glad you enjoyed my post!

BTW - I bought some balance at Big Lots the other day! Ha Ha!

Helen McGinn said...

It looks like a bottle of wine and a bubble bath with the door locked, my friend. I soooo know where you are coming from. I too am all famine or all feast! Not anymore though; it had to change what with all the kiddies.

When you help out at e.g. the school bookshop, do that and nothing else. Practice saying "sorry, no, I can't help with that". When you are asked out three nights in a row, pick one....I must admit though, I never turn down an evening time, balance n'all that. ;O)

And so on...I know you know all this, I'm teaching my granny to suck eggs, as the saying goes but sometimes, you just need reminding.

We're here to help, lass! xx

Mayhem and Moxie said...

I think this is an issue that all women, especially mothers, face. How can you create balance? I am not sure that you can. I've been trying to years. Ultimately, something has got to give, and it is usually the time you dedicate either to or for yourself.

However, maybe I'm wrong too. If you ever figure out the answer, please share. I need all the help I can get. :)

chitra said...

You are doing so many things and getting worried.Pat yourself on your back for giving a try at least. If you can't balance try what is possible and enjoy doing it. all the best.

Tired Mom Tesa said...

I could have written this post! There are so many things I'm working on and so many more I want to start. I always feel overwhelmed, but I do try to enjoy myself as much as I can.