Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 242 or Remembering Why

Well, Sunday's post was less than inspirational. Thank you to all of you who commiserated with my "out-of-gas" mentality. I love blogging. It has brought me great solace, great friends, all around great things. And most of the time, I can't wait to pull out my laptop. But last week was just not that week. Thanks for understanding. It's nice to know that you guys are here on my bad days, as well as my good ones.

So yesterday I was dragging around in my less than inspired state and three things changed that. The first seems silly but maybe is not so silly after all. I got out of the house. I love thrifting which is something not easily done with children. So my husband watched the kids for an hour or so while I went to my favorite store (Savers! If you have one in your city, you must check it out!). And while a little retail therapy can do wonders, I really think it was getting out BY MYSELF! As moms, I think that we can forget how important it is to take time to be by ourselves. So silly, yes but no.

Secondly, I was contacted by Hotels Combined. They found my blog and saw my desire to help support Heifer International which makes me say "YAY!" They have a fabulous program where we as bloggers and tweeters can earn money for charities simply by spreading the word about their company. How much did this inspire me as a blogger? There is power in the word of mouth and I am thrilled to Spread the Word for Hotels Combined . You can choose from three great charities -- WWF, World Vision, and Make-a-Wish. While all three are wonderful -- World Vision is really in line with my goals supporting Heifer International. This made me feel like, yes, my blog matters. So thank you, Hotels Combined, you have no idea, how good you made me feel! And here's the great thing -- if you want to support a charity, it's so easy. Contact them at charity@hotelscombined.com. Or check them out at Spread the Word for Charity (http://www.hotelscombined.com/Charity.aspx).

I recommend HotelsCombined.com and sent $20 to World Vision!

You can shout and help too.

Finally, and most personally, I was reminded by my daughter what is real. What is true. And what I will miss desperately one day. And she reminded me why I have to recharge so I don't get burnt out, run-down, and "fried" and miss out on moments that will pass in an instant. She called me into the hallway where she had created her own version of hopscotch with her old crib quilt and imaginary stones. At first, when she called me away from my cleaning, I sighed. But when I listened to her and realized that her beautiful little three year old imagination had imagined a very detailed and specific game, I was entranced and enchanted. And I thought, "This is it, Traci! This is the life you don't want to miss!" And too soon, these days will be gone. I don't know that she will remember this game tomorrow but I will remember it for as long as I have breath in my body. And then I thought, "I have to blog about this!" and I knew that I was back. "Yeah, baby!"

So there it is. I am coming out of my funk. Can't promise that I won't fall back but I'm going to remember this. It's my blog and as several of you pointed out, it's supposed to be fun. So here's to more fun (Blogging and otherwise!) And I should be around soon because a LOT of the fun of blogging is visiting my friends!


Connie said...

I need to find a way to remind me every day to pay more attention to my charmed life. When these moments knock me over the head is makes me so sad that I've missed a moment that is gone forever.

Thanks for the reminder and glad you are feeling better!

One Photo said...

That's great that you can work with this Hotel group to support your charity! Even better is that you feel you are back to your blogging best - you are so right, those moments when your child does something that amazes and delights you are what this parenting lark is all about, it makes it all so worthwhile.

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Well done both, what a great achievement - heres hoping you raise lots.

And heres to more fun, so glad that you feel you are back to your blogging best.

Cascia Talbert said...

Wow, this was really eye opening for me. Our children are growing up so fast and we should treasure those special moments like the one you described. It won't be long and they will just be memories. It reminds me that I should try to spend more time with my children.

chitra said...

Nice to see you with your moods elevated, and what a great service you are doing. Kudos to you.

Nancy C said...

It can never be said too much: it is essential to take time just for yourself.

Liz Mays said...

Woohoo! Glad you got your mojo back! I'm also glad to see that you realize how important life outside the computer is and that it's not to be missed!

Melani said...

Glad your out of your funk!

I seem to get into one every month, yes around that time...

I just did a post on cuddling with my baby boy...and like you I think this is the life I don't want to miss out on!

Your daughter is wonderful to use her imagination like that.

ballast photography said...

This makes so much sense: time to recharge, an opportunity to infuse your hobby with purpose, and a sweet reminder about what's REALLY important! Glad you were able to refocus.

Mama-Face said...

Everyone needs their down times to appreciate the goodness in their lives. Unfortunately.

I am so happy about things looking up for you. You are a really gracious, really grateful woman.


Claudya Martinez said...

I need to take some time for little ol' me.

Betty Manousos said...

Everyone has his/her ups and downs!
Glad to see that you got your mojo back!
B xx