Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 293 or I'd Lose My Head If It Wasn't Attached

So in the last week I have lost my book (found), my ID badge for work (not found), my water bottle (found), and possibly, my mind (still in question). It seems the only thing that hasn't been lost is my son's second loose tooth which is loose enough to annoy him but remains stubbornly entrenched to his great dismay.

I am usually pretty organized. I check my bag before leaving the house. I make lists, lists, and more lists. But lately, I feel like I never have what I need when I need it. Basically I am scrambling. Which is great when you want eggs but not so much when you are trying to juggle a husband in the Arctic, two children and a teaching job while staying with family. You know that mom you see every now and then that seems to have just what she needs at all times from some amazing Mary Poppins-like magic bag that manages to be decently sized and cute, all while looking calm, cool, & collected. Got that image? Okay. Think of its absolute opposite and that would be me.

My house is a wreck. Everywhere I look is something that I need to do or pick up. I fall asleep absolutely exhausted aware that a dozen things that I "should" have done went undone. I haven't posted in three days because I have not outlasted my children at bedtime. Oh, to have an ounce of that energy!

Mostly, though, I am aware that I might forget or lose something so everything I do takes twice as long as I double, no make that triple check myself. Which causes me to lose... Time.

Speaking of time, for those of you who are keeping track, there are 20 days remaining in my 38 and Growing experience. If you haven't already posted on my Support Heifer International Challenge, please do here. I am pledging $1 for each comment. Finally, I'd like to say thanks for all of you have stuck with me on this journey -- through broken computers, loss of loved ones, and just burn-outs. At least, I don't feel like I am losing you.


alicia said...

I'm feeling much like you these days and I would consider myself a pretty organized person most of the time too.

Formerly known as Frau said...

Just are fine, chaos is the new organize!

Felicity Grace Terry said...

If you are anything like me you feel so out of control when this happens. Take a ddep breath, count to 10 and retrace your steps - it works every time.

Andrea said...

Ah, you couldn't lose us if you tried! ;) We're attached at the hip!

I hate losing stuff, it's so frustrating. My house is total mayhem, so I hear ya.

Off to check that other post re: Heifer Int.

Liz Mays said...

I'm here for the duration, through thick, thin, and absences. I just luv ya, Traci!

The way you spoke of your house being nothing but things to do everywhere you look...I could have written that myself! I feel your pain there.

Mayhem and Moxie said...

Oh, how I can relate to this post. I am constantly losing things. At this point, I just trust that the universe will eventually return things to me if it is meant to be. :)


chitra said...

of late I a have also become extremely busy with assignments and at the end of the day do not have an ounce of energy left. just feeling how it would be if I could sleep for 2 -3 days or even more...need a break.

Claudya Martinez said...

You are stuck with me.

shortmama said...

Im the most forgetful person ever!

Joanna Jenkins said...

I can so relate! Chaos and time don't add up for me either.

I'm off to comment on your Heifer Intl. Challenge! That's AWESOME!


Jen said...

That's how I have felt....forever.

I have given up thinking I might one day get it all together.

But you keep dreaming!

Unknown said...

I am always 3 steps behind. Or more. I can never seem to get on top of things or get ahead. And likewise, I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached. My kids love to say, "Mommy, you're so scatterbrained!" ugh.

Tiffany said...

I have plenty of days where I feel like I'm's not a good feeling!!